Social media can handle the REAL you

Social media and the Internet can handle the real you.

It can handle your quirks

It can handle your off beat jokes

It can handle the parts of you that will make a mistake

It can handle whatever your version of salesy is

How do I know???


Are you paying attention to the things that happen online!?!!?

No seriously. Have you ever walked into a TikTok live where someone was asleep and challenging the viewers to wake them up.

What about the constant never ending loop of let's be controversial just for controversial sake content.

Don't get me started on men with podcasts

I have walked into rooms with a cat doing ASMR proudly with thousands of people tuned in and you are somewhere hiding yourself because your afraid to say too much?

Sm is quite literally an open platform where anything can happen. At anytime.

So you can stop being fixated about what you can or can't do online or the rules that you have to follow because none of that is actually real.

There are zero rules.

What we do have is endless possibilities to show up and show off our services.

And if that sounds big simply start by doing some of the things that you like. That you feel attracted to. That seem fun to try and say.

Your audiences can handle hearing you talk about your offer. Actually you want to make sure to talk about your offer so that it isn't something that surprises them. It's simply something that happens on your pages.

Your audiences can handle the things that you think fall outside of "normal" whatever tf that is. Actually the more unique the better.

Your audiences can handle your call to actions. They are words, and while important they will live after seeing you sell your work proudly and in public.

Your audience can handle your wins. Your audience can handle your fails. (and they don't care as much as you think they do.)

Or your posts that's are short or your posts that you think are too long. Or your posts that your afraid of that that may not understand.

Your audience can handle that obscure special interest that you secretly really want to share but are afraid of because it's so niche.

Share it anyway, the response may surprise you.

Here's the best part.

If they can't and I'm wrong... They get to keep on scrolling.

I don't have to censor myself because we live in a beautiful world where other people get to choose for themselves what they want to pay attention to.

So be yourself and give your people what you'd like them to pay attention to.

If you want to feel freer about what you share online and how you market your business...

If you desire to show up for your business and your clients in a way that you actually enjoy get yourself into Words for Photographer's.

This 3 month workshop is amazing for stepping out of your bubble, sharing yourself genuinely with the world and getting comfortable selling your work proudly in the way that only you can.

If you've been selling your work without direct asks, and call to actions imagine what happens when you add that into your routine too and you begin to capture the folks who've been waiting around for an invitation.

Let's talk about it.